This is a self wirtten XML writer and uses the build-in function to parse xml files.
In the end it creates "XMLNodes" that can be places and maipulated like other nodes.
- written in GDScript
- Loading XML: and turning them into XmlNode instances that can be placed into a scene.
- Saving a XML: XMLs can be created by simple adding nodes in the editor
- Support for closing and empty tags
- - needed because the other side handels it different
- - yes its castor "is empty" string and "is null" is handeld different here
- simple escaping and unescaping for text
- already had a XML endpoint
- xml can be edited by xsl
- xml can be checked by xsd
- castror forgives extra elements in a XML
Wanted to post this under addons in Godot but with all happening I postponed it till now.
Hope it helps somebody. 👍🏻